Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Autumn arrives

Cooler weather over the last few days followed a couple hot ones with strong dry winds.  In between we got a few drops of rain, probably no more than a couple millimetres (measured at 0.6mm officially).  Temperatures now are dropping to around 5C at night and low to mid twenties during the day.  Sun is dipping lower, shadows becoming more prominent over the vege and herb garden areas.  Autumn.

My rocket is being hit by the same pest that's been munching on my sprouts' leaves. On closer observation it turns out it's tiny green grubs.  I've resorted to going out with a torch and picking them off in the evening, and then again first thing in the morning.  I don't like sprays as most bugs aren't harmful and I'd hate for my lizard friends to get contaminated.

Peas and beans have sprouted in the main beds, are poking above the straw mulch now.

I took some additional cuttings of lavender.  About half of the other cuttings look like they're thriving, with the remainder looking like they've at least not died.  At the end of this month I'll start potting some out.

I've transferred about half of my dill and corriander seedlings into pots.  A couple days after the operation and they all look like they're still alive.  In the next couple days I'll put the remainder out into the garden proper.

I've let half my basil run to flower.  The remainder will soon be picked for a final mass drying.  Should be able to fill a couple jars with it when dried, to match the smaller amounts of oregano and marjoram I've been picking.

Finally, my various flower seeds that I planted a week ago in my cold frame are sprouting.  Will have to decide where I want them now!

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