Monday, April 1, 2019

April Fool?

Am I a fool for starting another blog up?  I don't think so, as I think each blog can act as a running record, thinking place, display cabinet for what is important in a person's life at any particular time.  Hence my convoluted blogging history over the past fifteen years.  So, a gardening blog it is!

I will keep updating as appropriate my other blogs as the need arises, but for the moment much of my creative energy is flowing into the soil of our small garden, so I'll probably be concentrating on this space for the coming period.

At this stage I can foresee this site as primarily being a glorified 'to do' and 'done' list.  It may occasionally branch out, but the emphasis will be on the gardening, not the blogging.  There'll be the odd picture, but not a lot.   It's mainly for my own purposes (sort of an electronic gardener's day book).

We'll see how it goes for a couple months.  In that time the layout etc will change as the spirit moves me, I'll try and keep up to date with the posting.  If the exercise proves worth the effort I'll keep it going.

If not...

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