Saturday, April 4, 2020

Belated Anniversary in a time of plague

It's been a bit over a year since I started this little online garden journal so I thought I'd better mark the occasion.  Late is better than never.  Especially in this time of plague.

In times like this I feel doubly sorry for the untold millions who live in tiny apartments without easy access to green and clean.  Life must be tough in the concrete jungle at present, where 'home' must be getting close to 'cell' (think 'prison cell') for millions / billions around the world.  It makes me really appreciate the small patch of paradise I live in, the multitude of tiny freedoms that I enjoy, the opportunities for growth and development with which I'm surrounded in these difficult days.

I'm writing this partly because it's still a bit wet and cool outside.  I have a few tasks for the day to keep up with my longer term goal of greening my block.  Key for the day will be sorting out the outflow from my latest rainwater tank addition (a repurposed agricultural chemical container that holds about 1100 litres), turning my latest hot compost heap, planting out a few more of my potted shrubs (the survivors from my experiements with taking cuttings last year), transplanting a few seedlings of what will hopefully be some winter vegies.  If I feel really active, I've got some other potted plants that I've accumulated to repot and a fair bit of organising to do in the shed (which has become overcrowded and run down over the past few months as I've only gone in and out of it to get what I need).  The idea is to free up workspace for a few 'construction tasks' that I'd love to do - such as build a workbench so I can build some decent infrastructure for the yard.  That should keep me busy for a while.

As the social isolation has become our new 'norm' I've had a bit more time on my hands.  I did do a few shifts at a nearby vineyard, out on a tractor through the night towing a 'chaser bin' alongside mechanical harvesters, and have stepped up my support efforts for my ageing parents (spending a night or two a week with my father, who lives a couple hours away), but these 'jobs' have not filled in all of the 'spare' time created by cancellation of meetings, organising and running the various community organisations and functions with which I'm involved.  This has left me lots of time to concentrate on our block and get my hands dirty.

I might even find some time to blog about what's been happening.  Which would be nice.

Stay safe.

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