Friday, November 8, 2019

Compost Day 9

Yesterday I was busy with the compost in the morning, that was about all I did in the garden.  Temperature was generally about 45C though I did find a spot where it hit 50C.  Turned it all outside in again.  Added 3L of nettle nitrous, a small tub of old yogurt, some old potatoes, kitchen scraps.  Picked out and removed woody material as I heaped it.  Replaced the tarps on the outside (still expecting more wind) after damping it down on the outside only.  Whole process took a bit less than an hour.

Moisture had been pretty even throughout, no dry patches.  Little bits of white mold on some of the carboniferous material.  Water retention gone up again.  Nice composty smell.  I'm now half way through the projected eighteen days. 

In the evening: 

Temperature generally 35C-45C, though I also found points where it was 30C and 50C.  The heap was still mildly damp throughout, having been tarped up against an otherwise cold and windy day.  I turned it outside-in in the evening.  Compost was almost uniform in colour (brownish red).  I took out woody bits as I went to reduce the nitrogen draw down.  Added a bit of rice and beans and some old coconut milk, also some pond plant husks.  Wetted it down on the outside, left it untarped as the wind seems to have gone.  I am now back on schedule and will aim at turning it every two days until day 18 completes the process.  Then we'll evaluate.

Planted corn, bean and sunflower seeds.  Also snapdragons, marigolds and mixed tanunda flowers.  Using various items of found 'rubbish' as my containers.  Quite a few experiments.

Onwards ho.

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